Si è svolto a Dubai, dal 18 al 20 marzo 2014 il Plenary Meeting 2014 del International Cable Protection Committee (ICPC). L’evento è stato ospitato quest’anno dalla E-Marine, società posa cavi leader nell’area del Middle-East e ha visto la partecipazione di oltre 120 delegati provenienti da 64 Paesi.
Ecco la News Release ufficiale :
Explorer Marine SBoSS and Omnia srl, in cooperation with IHS (Italian Hydrographic Society), have successfully completed the “Basic Course of on-line surveyor”, held in Pozzallo at Studio DEMAR, May 20 to 23.
Continue up the great job of education, which is allowing many people to discover the world of offshore work and hydrography, acquiring competence and professionalism. We thank all participants and teachers who have once again done a great job.